Don't miss another opportunity

Start converting the properties that aren't moving into quick closings today.

Land tracts, stale listings, white elephants, time sensitive sellers

Are you tired of spending money on stale listings? Tried to find buyers for overbuilt and overpriced properties? Looking for ways to convert more listings to closings? At Redfield Group, we help agents convert these type listings to sales through partner programs and referral plans.
In the last few years we’ve shown many agents how to easily convert tough properties and clients without years of hard work and trial and error. We’ve partnered on deals with agents across North America to bring auction services to their clients, and we can do the same for you too.

What do you get from a free consultation?

• Learn to quickly identify auction prospects
• How to discover pain points and how an auction might relieve those
• How an auction prospect looks different from a traditional prospect
• How to open dialog about auctions with a client
• The things you must find out on the first call
• Why we never talk someone into having an auction
• Why a fair deal is a state of mind
• How to use the auction process to quickly add closings
• How to quickly analyze client’s needs and determine if an auction is right for them
• Use the auction process to get the lowest list price
• How to introduce the possibility of an auction
• Why auctions are right for some and not others
• How to find out a seller’s real bottom dollar
• How marketing an auction is different than marketing a listing
• Why a seller would choose an auction
• Which listings make the best auctions
• How to tract up land without surveying
• Absorption rates and how they affect pricing
• How auctions find buyers when nothing else does
• How to identify potential auctions within your listing pool
• Why offering auctions separates you from your competition
• Not all auctions are the same
• The difference between an award winning auction marketing program and just having an auction
• How to identify the best potential buyers after a 5 minute conversation
• How to separate tire kickers from buyers
• How to keep a seller’s confidence throughout the entire process
• How to get seller to pay for marketing expenses

This is just a sampling of the education you receive by partnering with us on auctions. Our company has won many national and state advertising awards and have sold just about every type property and worked in over 40 states and internationally. Not only can you provide another service to your clients but partner with an industry leader.
Email or call today at 256.413.0555 to schedule your no cost or obligation consultation today.


Quick! If you haven’t already, download our
FREE report on how we can help you convert
hard to sell listings to SOLD with auctions!

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Live, Online and Simulcast Auctions

We determine the target market, plan and implement a very aggressive marketing campaign and then determine the best possible platform to reach and engage the most bidders.  We have conducted over 800 auctions using these type auctions or a combination of the 3.  Our results are staggering.

Some will get it and some won’t

Sadly, only a small percentage of agents will understand the importance of additional services, such as auctions, BUT those agents that do can potentially put hundreds of thousands of dollars in their pockets.  This isn’t blowing a bunch of smoke, it is the simple truth.  You know what they say….about 10% of the people do about 90% of the sales.  What percentage will you be in? 

So, you don’t have the listing?  We can do the same for referrals.

Many agents know of properties but just don’t have the listing.  We can turn those leads into very generous referral fees as well.

​Do you know of properties that have been on the market for a long time? What about a family that is trying to manage a loved one’s estate?  There can literally be hundreds of different scenarios where you have the knowledge of a property and know who the owner is and we can help you convert that knowledge into cash.  
Don’t make the mistake and skip on this knowledge! 

We can speak with the owner and quickly determine if an auction is right for them and their situation. 


Instead of making 25% of the listing side for a referral which is typically less than 1% in referral fees,  you can earn up to 2.5% with us for a simple referral.  Just think, you can make close to the same for referring a property to us than can listing it on your own.  Don’t forget that with a close ratio of over 85% and contingency free contracts at auction, the referral fees are almost guaranteed. 

Many agents feel that auctions are the enemy in real estate and that only distressed properties go to auction.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Call today to start putting your knowledge of properties to work for you.

You don’t need any experience with auctions to start earning large commissions

Why waste years struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself?

You can save this time and get a much better result when you partner with us and use our blueprint to start offering auctions to your clients. It’s like a shortcut which gives you a combined total of over 100 years in the auction business, over 800 auctions conducted, on virtually every type property, in every type situation, in over 40 states and Mexico and all from an industry leader and nationally recognized speaker and teacher in the industry. 

It costs you nothing to find out more

What do you have lose?  Maybe $100,000 by not reaching out to us but other that that, it costs nothing to find out more.  With a quick 30 minute consultation you can see if you are ready to start separating yourself from the competition and start earning nice fees quickly.

Get in touch for a free 30 minute strategy session on how we can help you convert problem listings and referrals to cash

Sadly, many who read this will not get it and will form an opinion not based on facts.  The truth is that most properties and seller situations are best suited for traditional sales (in most markets) BUT for those that aren’t, we can help you turn those into commissions and referrals.

There are properties and situations that you stay away from or take the listing and end up throwing money down a hole on advertising.  These are the same properties where the seller wants to know why you aren’t getting offers.  Let us put our years of experience to work for you. 

We can do a quick 30 minute consultation with you and explain the process in more detail.  Who knows, we may even talk about a listing or referral you have at the same time and setup a conference call with your client if you would like.  Bottom line is don’t miss any more opportunities.  Schedule a phone consultation today.

If you would like to call us immediately, please call Mike at 256-413-0555.
